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What we do without


A world without friends what a world it is. I'm not exactly that easy in friendship but once I break up I could do anything for a friend.


eheheheh I rememeber that evening she jumped in my Ims and said: nice dress!
It was the first thing she said to me before start to follow me everywhere.
Then nice music and with time she become full part of my life in here.
But she is so funny and addicted and with time i learn how much i can’t stay without her.
Sometime together sometime busy in own stuff but always in my mind……


Jai hasn’t been in my life long.
She began by following me as a DJ and gradually a beautiful friendship was born.
Direct and straightforward things do not send you to say them but in life you have to be like that. We like to dance together and …. she is really a shopping freak :).
But each of us has their own passions! We are virtual sisters but I can say that she is a really nice person.

Mr. Guess Who

When i think to my Bro i just end for laugh.
And was like this since the first time when he landed at Dance Island with that name Mr Guess Who.
So started our friendship made of laugh and fun… and many jokes.
Happy to have him in my family as brother.


She just came into my life like that. During a set and it was immediately feeling.
A person for whom I have no secrets, a friend who does not judge but if she has to be direct she is immediately.
A rare friend. Maybe we don’t see each other often. She lives her life in the family and I live mine between music and work but always available for a chat or just a laugh.