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Isabella Trance SecondLife

The finale: Showcase outfit

Style breafing What music is your representative country most known for? Show us in fashion style the genre(s) that defines your representative country. Your back story should reflect the evolution of music in your country and how your styling is a tribute to this evolution in music. What makes music unique to your country…

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Isabella Trance SecondLife

4th Runway Challenge – Murder Mistery

Style breafing Halloween Runway Murder Mystery parties are all the rage. This Halloween weekend you are touring the Canadian wine country. It’s picturesque countryside, vineyards and wineries are breathtaking. The annual Halloween festival is taking place at one of the vineyards, when the owner, Barry Riesling, is found murdered at his winery while the party…

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Isabella Trance SecondLife

3rd Runway – Survivor

STYLE BRIEFING You have crashed on a desert island, and after many months, you have realized that no rescue will be coming and a new society has to be reborn out of nothing. This means that clothing and fashion has to start from a fiery crash, and destruction of your supplies, to surviving and making…

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