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2st Photo Challenge: Marie Antoniette

Isabella Trance SecondLife

Am i a queen?

My second photo challenge. My favorite historical character.

Marie Antoinette today. hehehe I think she would be similar to the Marie Antoinette of the times of the French Revolution.

Elegant, spoiled and just with the desire to have fun.

But I think she would have had the same taste for elegance as few nowadays and she would have liked to have always been the center of attention.

And here are the things I started working on for my interpretation of her.

Background Story

My feeling about this and how i wanted be

Marie Antoinette one of the most loved and hated characters in history.
A character who has always fascinated me for the frivolity and superficiality of a woman who was thrown on a throne that she did not want.
I have seen numerous films since I was a child including cartoons about it and the clothes of the time always made me dream.
I imagined a queen nowadays who follows the simple and classic lines of Valentino but with a bit of audacity while maintaining the colors that I have often seen dressing actresses.
I chose a corset with a transparency on the front because “nowadays” it is allowed with a long skirt with a simple and elegant line. In my photos Marie Antoinette is ready for the evening ball. She waits to be announced and to make her her triumphal entry and admired by all as queen she is.